Posted by: worthy0330 | August 24, 2011

Wordless Wednesday


Posted by: worthy0330 | August 23, 2011

Tuesday’s Tidbits

Shopping is one of Micah’s favorite things to do.   When she is excited about an upcoming shopping morning she trails your every move talking the WHOLE time until you are in the stores.  Once in the stores every piece of clothing has to be touched and those in her size are tried on. 

Emma, on the other hand, loves to tag along.  She doesn’t go for the clothes, she goes for the company but mainly for the treats she’ll have along the way.  The warm graffa (doughnut), the fresh french fries, and a coke were the treats I was talked into buying.  I take her along to help with Micah’s excessive talking! 

Benjamin dunked his “horsey” (you know the one he has to have to sleep?!) in the bidet.  Seeing that he had begun the bathing process I threw horsey in the washing machine thinking that the hot sun would have him dry before naptime.  The washing machine chose to stop draining.  I now have sopping wet clothes and a very wet horsey.

Charlie spent all day out on the balcony scraping the grime off the shower planks.  (you know the kind of shower that you pull the plastic planks closed around it?! )  At 12 p.m. I learned how to caulk.   I now have a shower that looks brand new.

Alessia got in trouble at bed time and had to move to her own bed to sleep.  (she and Emma had moved back to sleeping in the same bed).  I’m betting she’ll be in my bed before the night is through.


This picture has nothing to do with Tuesday, I just sure wish I could have a drink from this cold mountain stream fountain.


Posted by: worthy0330 | August 22, 2011

We own the parking lot

Let me introduce you to the parking lot owners.


When the “citofono” (doorbell) and/or telephone start to ring at around 10 a.m. and again at 4p.m. it’s a sure sign that we’ll be spending some time downstairs in the parking lot playing.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I am thankful my children have a place to play and that we don’t live in an apartment that opens up to a busy street, however, sometimes I like to be able to actually accomplish something before heading down to supervise play time (actually, my job is to call “machina” (car) in order to let the kids know they have to get out of the street.  Much to the kids delight the “gang” is slowly trickling back from their vacation which means we are frequently outside.  This is what “parking lot” play looks like.


A couple of the kids descending upon the lot.


Doing the “toco” to see who’s it.  The game of choice is “nascondino” (hide and seek)  The “toco”….everyone throws in a number of fingers after chanting, “si buttano giu.”  The total of fingers is the number you count around the circle.  You count out around the circle of players and if the chosen number lands on you, you’re it!


When that game grows old, they play “cane”.  They take turns walking the “dog.”

Sometimes they get brave and play in the grassy section.  I personally prefer the asphalt play, the risks are lower.


The sign says, “It is prohibited to use the pathway and the grassy area for the dogs’ business.”  One might translate that as meaning, “don’t let your dogs poop in the grass” or “don’t leave your dogs’ poop hidden in the grass.”  However, many read this as “grassy area….let your dog poop here and don’t worry about picking it up.”



Bubba has stepped in his share of hidden poop, therefore, his courage runs out and he cries until someone gives him a lift across the dangerous grass.

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Alessia leaves her mark on the street with her choice of pink chalk while Bubba prefers spitting a trail of water. (lets be  honest, it could be worse)

Excuse me, the “citofono” just rang….it’s time to go play.

Posted by: worthy0330 | August 21, 2011


We were late to church.  Mainly because one certain little girl decided to paint her fingernails.




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And then while cleaning touching her nails up, a certain little brother followed suit.

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While cleaning him up somehow I missed the toe.  He went to church with a painted toenail.

Posted by: worthy0330 | August 20, 2011

Where’s the beach?


The usual noisy, chaotic streets are quiet.  Many of the shops are closed and there are few to no people walking along the sidewalks.  Yep, it’s August!  Those that did not leave the city in July have now left.  Those that left in July are beginning to trickle back in but most are still at the beach.  They work all year long in order to take a long  beach vacation (like a month!) every summer.  These sun loving people can’t get enough of the “mare” (ocean).  I have been asked countless time when I am taking the children to “fare a bagno” (take a swim).  I am then lectured on all the good effects the sun and the sea water has on my crowded city living children.  As our friends and neighbors make their way back home it will only take a look at our white skin to know we have yet to find the beach this year!


There was one August (way back in 2007) that we went to the “mare” with the rest of the city.  It was an experience!  We did have a good time with the friends we went with, however, the umbrella’s and the close proximity with EVERYONE on the beach was anything but relaxing!

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Posted by: worthy0330 | August 19, 2011

On my long month absence

It’s quiet now, if you don’t count the occasional snore that comes down the hall.  This is the first night in a LONG time that I find myself sitting down in front of the computer.  I exercised late tonight thinking that if I got my blood pumping I could stay up late enough to compose some sort of update.   I figure I owe some sort of post to my two faithful followers (my sister, Joanna, and my sweet friend Jennifer) before they give up hope and stop checking in. 


It’s been anything but boring around these parts.  I can hardly believe the month of July is over.  Here are some of the highlights.

This is the picture of perseverance.   There were many times when quitting came up but he pushed through and passed the Italian theory driving test.  The “foglio rosso” is a sort of “learner’s permit” .  Charlie will take the driving part of the test at the end of the month.  We are so very proud of all the hard work that this pink slip represents.



To celebrate, we went to the mountains with friends for a picnic.  Although we didn’t take tables, chairs, and a chainsaw like our neighboring picnicers, we did have a pretty decent fire on which to grill.



While exploring Emma found some animal bones.  An animal lover at heart she begged to take them home.  I said no.


Micah on the other hand is in to creating.  What I saw as a recipe for big mess she turned into an hours worth of “water park” fun for all.


Alessia has been busy organizing  impromptu picnics and baby playing.


Benjamin is a sweet boy, but an angel he is not!  His latest antics?  Decorating the walls with lipstick. I have not taken a picture of his artwork as I have yet to see the humor in it!

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Yeah, July was busy and if I want to make it through August I better go to bed!

Posted by: worthy0330 | July 18, 2011

July 18

Guess who turned 3 today? 


He wanted pancakes for breakfast.  Daddy went right to work and made some fun Mickey Mouse ones!


Bubba and his sisters talked about the day over the yummy pancakes.


He kept asking all day when his birthday was coming.  FINALLY, after nap time his birthday came!  He was SO excited about his cake. 

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And got real serious about blowing out all three candles.



His sisters gave him his present and you would have thought they’d given him the world by his facial expressions.




Daddy put it together and Bubba and his sisters tried it out.


Since there is water involved in this particular race track it was quickly moved out on the balcony.


Before each child’s birthday we usually receive a big envelope with tons of birthday cards written by different WMU groups.  Opening these cards is a highlight of every birthday.  If you happen to be one of those ladies that participate in writing cards, THANK YOU!


As you can tell they are all opened and read by all of us!



After the opening of the cards Bubba took another piece of birthday cake out on the balcony. (tattoo’s thanks to MeMe!)


He had a special day and we are so thankful to God for this very sweet little three year old!  He is going to be thrilled when he figures out that we have a party all planned out for next week!

Posted by: worthy0330 | July 16, 2011

Pool time

Remember this post?  Well, Bubba found the pool!   The fast blower-upper is no longer working so we had to ask good old Dad to help us out.


With the help of a balloon blower and little bit of time we got the thing blown up.  I positioned it just right outside on the balcony.


Bubba and Alessia jumped right on in and waited patiently as I began the water process.


The fill up station.


The water trail.


After several trips from the bathroom to the pool there was finally enough water to “swim”

While Bubba enjoyed the water Alessia, Micah and Emma checked out the commotion down on the street.


There apparently were some baby kittens under this car.  We watched as several people tried to get them out.  The kittens were finally coaxed out.


Micah and Emma quickly ran to their room to call their friend who was in on the rescue to get the low down.


Posted by: worthy0330 | July 14, 2011

The heat is up

It’s been a hot couple of days.  The temperature has not hit the triple digits like in some states around the world, however, when AC is limited one really feels the heat.  You know it’s hot when sweat freely drips down your back with no previous strenuous activity,  or when everybody in your “parco” leave their shades closed until the sun goes down, or when your neighbors start appearing on their balcony’s in their tighty whiteys without a care of who sees them or when it takes only an hour for your clothes to dry out on the line.  Yeah, it’s hot around here.  The heat hasn’t stopped the kids from playing though.  Check out what they found to occupy their time.

Anybody up for a little “bumper” action?

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Posted by: worthy0330 | July 13, 2011

A little gelato

I saw him sneak into the kitchen and quietly open the freezer.  I faintly heard the silverware rattle as he reached to find a spoon.  He ran down the hallway to the only empty room.  I tiptoed down to the quiet room to see what he was up to and found this.






There’s nothing like eating gelato straight from the container all by yourself!

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