Posted by: worthy0330 | September 1, 2011

My first born


is a little sassy,

loves to make and create,

is an artist,

can roll her eyes like nobodies business,

loves, and I mean loves to eat,

watches out for her sisters and brother,

loves to pose for pictures

and loves when teams come to town.

July 2011-World Changers

It had been a tough day. I had to keep Emma home from going with the World Changers. Pneumonia has a way of making you feel like you feel O.K. but the minute you get to moving you feel horrible. We know this because the day before we had met up with one group that was down at the park bay. Emma sat on the bench and just watched and by the time we got home she was worn out. Wanting her to get better we decided staying at home, much to her disappointment, was the best option.

Staying behind while a team was here was a new experience for Emma. Micah and Emma, our two oldest kids, LOVE when teams are here, even more when the teams consist of teenagers. This was World Changers week which meant a ton of teenagers!! The kids love to be around the “cool, English speaking kids.”

While the rest of the kids and I stayed home, Micah and Charlie went out with their team. Micah hooked up with some of the girls and off they went to find the kids they had been talking with all week long. Someone snapped these pictures of Micah that day.




When she came home she excitedly told me the story behind this photo.

“Mom,” she began. “I got to help someone know Jesus.”

“Wow! that’s great,” I said. “What happened?”

“You know, Mom.” “He asked how to believe in Jesus.” “And then we helped him ask Jesus into his heart.”

“Did you do all the talking,” I asked?

“No, I just translated.” “But Mom, after he said the prayer, he said thank-you.” “Do you think he believes now?”

“Well, Babes, I think you helped him begin to believe and have a real friendship with Jesus.” “I’m so proud of you for being willing to translate and help lead someone to Jesus.”

“Yeah, Mom.” The conversation ended there as she found her sister and told her all about the day.

I had to bite down a bit of jealousy at first as I was not there to see first-hand my child have a part in helping lead someone to Jesus. But as I reflected back on the conversation, I realized how thankful I am for my children and their willingness to go out and be translators for the “cool, American teenagers who love Jesus,” it doesn’t really matter if I’m there or not. I pray that she, as well as the other four, will always be bold in their witness no matter what language they are speaking.

The Bible says in Timothy 4:12 “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.” My prayer for the World Changers, especially the other four in the picture with Micah, is that they will continue to set an example for others and that they will continue to share their faith. I thank God that my 9 year old daughter, along with the World Changer kids, was able to be used to further His kingdom.


  1. Thank you for sharing this wonderful story. I know that you are so proud on Micah as we all are! I was only confused about the timing, since I thought the world changers had gone home, then I saw the july date. I know that you think we never read you posts, but I have them emailed to my outlook, but then I can not write a reply since my “McAfee” won’t let me follow any links. Therefore I never post a reply! But I do enjoy all you write, I should respond better! I can hardly wait to see you all!!
    Love ,Yvonne

  2. This was one of those post I had written in my head and just could never find the time to write it out. However, it was one of those that I wanted to share so I just dated it so I would remeber when it happened. You will probably read a couple more “back dated” ones as I have lots of unwritten blogs in my head!!!
    Thanks for responding. Love you,

  3. So proud of you, Micah! It takes courage to speak the truth about God to others. Even though you were “just the translator” God used you and your special words to help that person understand and make the most important decision of their life! Love you girlie!

  4. I LOVE this! Shannon I am so glad you shared this story. What an awesome experience for her- and for you- and for those world changers. Can you imagine what they are thinking when they see a little girl (I know, big girl, not little girl…but you know what I mean) not only translate for them (perfectly no doubt) but help lead a person to Jesus?

    I’m so proud of Micah. And of you and Charlie. You are raising some top notch kids. I wouldn’t expect anything else out of the two of you! Love you guys so much.


  5. I can’t decide if it’s better for me to miss your blogs when you are too busy to write or to cry over them when you do have time to write. Either way, thank you. These were good tears. Tell Micah (and all your crew) that I always feel closer to Jesus when I’m with them.

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