Posted by: worthy0330 | September 8, 2011

A couple of run on sentences

There’s been so much happening and I’ve wanted to sit down and write it all down but just haven’t had time.  After trying to make a phone call and realizing the phone company has suspended our phone line three days early, I figured if I don’t write now it may be too late later as I have no idea when the internet is going to go.  It has taken me 2 5 hours just to write this sentence, this is how life has been this last week.  It’s kind of like Christmas but without all the gifts!  Everybody wants to say goodbye so there has been lots of phone calls, last dinners, and pop in visits.

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I’m not complaining, I Love the fact that God has given us so many friends, it’s just that a simple task takes a little longer than what it should!  We actually had a good conversation over our last real pizza about how much God has given us these last 3 years in Naples.  Emma and Micah came home from playing downstairs and the minute Emma closed the doors she broke down in tears.  When she could finally talk, she said that she was so excited about going to America but she was sure going to miss her friends.  We then discussed our first year here and how we prayed for friends.  He is faithful.  We decided that crying about going to miss your friends was a whole lot better than crying because you have no friends!

We have finally finished packing, and closing down house.  The washing machine put a little kink in the whole process as I had to hold the tube for quite some time as it wasn’t draining.  But, the last load is done and we are ready for the beginning of our adventure.

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  Remember this post?


Well, sometimes DREAMS do come true.  I’m sure I’ll have many a story to tell about this next 14 day Worthy Adventure.  Until then, go hug a friend.

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  1. Have a nice trip! hope to see you soon!!;) y que Dios los acompañe en esta jornada!

  2. Can’t wait to see all of you!

  3. Can’t wait to hug you guys! I miss Emma’s friends too. But tell the girls Mrs. Tammy has a new doggie for them to meet. Her name is Ally and she and Sundance can’t wait to see them.

  4. have a nice trip!!! love you all !!!!

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